Monday, October 7, 2013

Sophie's Birthday in Four Parts

Here are the promised photos from Sophie's 11th birthday yesterday!  Check back tomorrow for recipes for her birthday dinner and dessert!

Part One: Walk to and through the Park

 My goodness, she has an old lady face here!

Part Two: Trip to the Pet Store and Home with her Loot

Part Three: Dessert.  Yes, I served this first.  It's a doggy banana cream torte!

Part Four: Dinner!  Lamb Sheet "Bones" with Roasted Veggies

Happy Monday Mischief!  (Spoiled counts for mischievous, right?!)
Sophie's Mom

Snoopy's Dog Blog


  1. Looks like she had a great time! Nola's 3rd birthday is tomorrow. Can't believe how fast they grow!

  2. Loook at all that stuff! Happy Birthday!

  3. What a lovely birthday day for Sophie filled with fun and goodies as it should be. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. Happy Birthday Sophie!
    What a great day :-)
    Woof, from Stina in Sweden.
    *waggy tail*
