Thursday, August 15, 2013

ICE, ICE, baby....

So one of my friends sent me (Dog Mom) this blog post: Will You Be Coming Home to Your DogsTonight along with a joke, "Telling me I'm in charge of finding homes for your dogs only works as a long term plan!"  And long term plan means death.  Ominous thoughts, I know.

Seriously, though, I am always worrying about a) what if I get in a wreck, b) what if I get injured, or c) what if I die.  I don't have a will, and after taking Trust & Estates last Fall, I really should have thrown one together by now....  The only things that I have to worry about are my dogs.  Nothing else I own really matters.  My dogs, well, they're like my kids, and I am of the strong opinion that people should plan for what happens to them after their owners' deaths.

Fortunately for me, my parents would take them all (or at least, I assume they would).  However, five dogs is a lot; four dogs plus Champ is A LOT.

Rainy days, ominous thoughts.

So I was driving one rainy day this Spring, and thinking about all of this.  Deciding to break the law and be rather wreckless, I texted my mom, "Hey I need to get a will.  But if I die and Champ is too much for you and Dad to safely handle, please contact [said friend above] from my school for help in rehoming him to a qualified home.  Love you!"

First off, that typically isn't something that should just be texted, I know.  But I was driving, and calling from a cell is also illegal and more visible.  I chose the more discreet, immediate option.  Second, that text did not go to my mom.  It happened to go to said friend above because she was the last person I had texted.  Good job, Dog Mom!

Promptly after hitting send, I get a phone call from an unknown number and ignore it. Shrugs.  Then, I get a text back, "Uhhh...? Don't die.  But of course I would take him."  And after laughing out loud at my stupid self and being totally embarrassed (did I mention I hadn't even asked said friend if she would do this huge favor for me in person yet?), I replied and straightened out the little confusion I just created.  When she got that text, she imagined I was in some dark alley sending my last wishes.

After that little mix up, I forwarded the message to my mom, who then asks why I am bringing this topic up.  I had to reassure her that no, I'm not suicidal or about to die, but I just worry about the dogs a lot.  Okaaaaay....

Anyways, I still need to write out my will, but at least I have someone who can help find my "problem child" a suitable home in the unfortunate event of my untimely demise.  On my list to do (which I should tackle this week) is information about his training/behavior/health, all very complex.

As for "what would happen if I don't come home tonight," I haven't given that one enough thought.  When I drive home late, have to drive any distance, or just go somewhere out of my normal destinations, I usually arrange for a "check in" text or call to my parents.  These "check ins" go like this, "If you don't hear back from me by 11:30, call me.  If I don't answer, call the cops."  Now, after reading this article, I realize how ineffective that is....

I went on a little hunt for safety apps, and I found a whole category that I hadn't even realized existed before!  I mean, wow!  Apps that can send emergency alerts to your chosen contacts, video record, locate gps, call emergency respondents, and more.  Then I found it: an app that had a simple check-in device!  As ridiculous as it may be, I'm so going to download it and ask that my parents make sure they receive one check-in per day (if I don't call or text), if they don't receive it to call or text, and if I don't answer to contact one of my emergency contacts in my city.  The things single people living alone [with pets] must do.....

Other things I'm going to address: a hidden key to my house in case my neighbors need to access; information about my dogs for my emergency contacts to have as a guide; "ICE" cards in my car and purses, and either a "ICE" ankle bracelet or flash drive on my key chain.

Part of me says all that is a little over-kill, but my family and friends know me to be a worry wart/paranoid freak.  It must be in my genes....  Either way, at least over preparing is better than under preparing, and I'll finally be able to rest easy knowing my dogs will be cared for if I can't make it home due to a medical emergency or worse.

1 comment:

  1. Those are loads of ways to stay ready and prepared for the future. I didn't even know that apps like that exist.
