I will fill you in on what is happening around here.
Law School: ALMOST DONE. Yes. It's true. My last class was last week! This week I finished up my hours for clinic, but ironically, there is still a ton of work I have to get done for my cases. I'm taking final exams tomorrow (which is probably why I decided to update this blog today ;), Monday, and Thursday. The following Wednesday will be my clinic exit interview and I'll be done there. Graduation is May 11th (woo-hoo!). I expect to make two trips home to EO, with the dogs of course, before bar prep starts. Oh yeah, the bar. I believe it is scheduled for the last weekend in July. Then, I have to take the ethics/professional responsibility exam early August because the universe hated me the day I was supposed to take it (but couldn't) in March. After that, it's a waiting game for results. I suppose I should be job hunting then. A job would kind of help to pay off the enormous amount of student debt I have.....
The Dogs: Still alive. That's good. No, really, we haven't been doing much. I tried to get in the habit of walking everyday with at least one, but it's been too busy. Instead, we've just been training and playing at home. Well, Sophie and I did attend one of Ian Dunbar's workshops...no big deal. Champ's latest trick we've been working on is "lickity lick" ie him licking his lips. We captured it. Elsie picked up "play dead" ridiculously fast. Sophie's latest...hmmm, nothing super new. She has been my errand buddy, though. Big news: I got Elsie licensed with the city finally (yes, I was a little slow...).
Everything else: I got my garden planted! Admittedly, I jumped the gun and planted early because I was so late last year. Today, it's raining and I've got one of those loopy plastic cover things over the bed with my tomatoes and peppers. Annuals and herbs are also planted. My favorite project I did over the last week was get my pond running again! I've added plants to it, and after they get more established, in a few weeks, I am adding goldfish. I'm super excited about that. I've actually got a few floating plants indoors because it's too cold for them outside, too, and I am obsessing over them. They are so cool. Like I said, I'm excited. Sure, listening to the pond fountain is soothing white noise to begin with, but now I will have cute lil fish growing up in it.
Anyways, life has been good this term--I can't believe it was my last. I've enjoyed hanging out with my friends, volunteering at the shelter, learning something about real law practice in the clinic, visiting my parents at their home and mine, eating a scratch banana cream pie all by myself, and spending the remainder of my time with my dogs.
Thanks for stopping by!
Champ's Mom
PS. Here's a random video of Champ and me training last month. I will try to post an update of where he is now soon.